Posts tagged ‘Pool de Rentas’

Update – June 3rd

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Dear Clients:

We would like to bring you up to date on some positive news at The Fives project in Playa del Carmen.

First of all we are grateful for your support on The Fives project and we want to apologize for all the inconvenience during the past months. Throughout this time we have been working with a lot of effort to make this project a reality, so we may all feel proud to belong to The Fives once all is done.

These are the updates:

1. We will be able to sign the deeds or Fideicomisos throughout the month of July 2009. After 9 months of working on this legal documentation, we confirm to you that de Condominal Regimen was approved in Chetumal-Quintana Roo and it is at our office for your consult. To sign a Fideicomiso, the proper paperwork should be in place prior to this.

2. We are attaching the copy of the insurance contract of The Fives, valid from April 2009 to March 2010, and the receipt of the payment to AXA dated on May 2009. This insurance includes all kinds of common house incidents and hurricanes. AXA is a renowned multinational company in the insurance business.

Caratula Póliza

We also want to congratulate all the people from Karisma, for their support and hard work on the maintenance of The Fives. They are cleaning, ventilating and inspecting all the condos almost every day. These activities are done on 2 buildings each day, which means 24 condos a day. It is true that until the staff is complete they can´t provide the best service, but it is also true that in the inspections of the condos they have found only a few incidents which have been also resolved. And it is important to say that there are some condos that we don´t have access to and therefore we may not provide the service.

The project is complete pending two issues: First, some interior deficiencies in the condos, and second, to complete the Spa. We are sending some pictures to show you that it won´t be long until this beautiful project is completely finished.



Both partners are working hard to resolve this situation and get construction going with the priority being your condo.

Once all is complete, we will schedule two opening periods: First, a SOFT OPENING, including all the condominal services plus some basic hotel services. And next, a FULL OPENING, including all the hotel services.

Our commitment to you is that The Fives will become a reality with our personal, economical and professional effort.

On the 22nd of June, we will proceed to inform you again about news on the project.

Best Regards,

Miguel Angel Rico,
Commercial Director.


Avenida 10 Norte esq. 14 bis, Plaza Comercial Vía Tendenza,
Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, México. C.P. 77710
Tel.: +52 984 879 3819

Camino Vecinal de Xcalacoco,
Predio El Limonar, Playa del Carmen,
Q. Roo. México. C.P. 77710

logo tm fives

June 3, 2009 at 10:00 pm



May 2024